Monday, May 2, 2011

Today We Were On WOAI SA Living

We had a great experience on the SA Living show today with Shelly Miles. Time flies by so fast; I wish we could have shared more.

Here is the link to see the show: and Click on the Inspiring Mother's Day Story under LIVING.

Again, we could not have made it through this experience without our Faith in God and support from family and friends! We have true miracles and we are so very blessed.

We are doing well and I should be posting more often now.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

December 1st

All is well.
Bryce had a procedure this morning that Blane actually had done yesterday. The procedure was due to problems breathing. This is pretty normal NICU stuff and I know they are in great hands. Since the procedure he has been doing much better.

This afternoon, Trey got to change Blane's diaper and I was able to hold him. That was a total surprise!

All is well. Lot's of prayers!
I am doing great.

Please pray for Quade. He is not allowed in the NICU and he is having problems with this because he wants to know where his brothers are and why they are not in mommy's tummy. There are a lot of unknown changes for him that he is struggling with right now. Otherwise he is doing great.

Pics before surgery

November 30th Happy Birthday Bryce Tate and Blane Ty

I went into surgery yesterday at 6:30am and had the boys at 6:51am. As expected, their cords were tangled and that is why they were born at the same time. The cords and placenta are amazing to see; if you would like to see them, email me at and I will send you the pic. It is crazy. Truly, they are miracle babies and we could not have done this without all of the amazing prayers and support. It's unbelievable to look back!

Blane Ty was 4lbs. 12oz.
Bryce Tate was 4lbs. 8oz.

They are beautiful and so sweet.

Blane Ty
                                                                    Bryce Tate

Monday, November 29, 2010

32 weeks and tomorrow, November 30th is the big birthday

After this emotional roller coaster, I can't believe the day is finally here. I will update the blog asap tomorrow or the next day after the babies are born.

God is in total control of this pregnancy and our lives. I can't wait to see the blessings He will bring to us and I can't wait for everyone to meet them. Quade is ready for all of us "to be a family again." He is too sweet and I know he will be a huge help.

Through this pregnancy we have been blessed to experience the strong support and love of not only my family, but the friends we have made in Junction. I realize how much we are loved by so many. We are blessed to raise our boys in such a beautiful community. It is amazing how many thoughts and prayers we've received from family and friends all over Texas. We are truly blessed. Thank you to everyone for your thoughts and prayers.

Love to all, Kaycie

Sunday, November 21, 2010

31 weeks today 33 days in the hospital

This past week was a pretty uneventful week. The babies are getting bigger, but Baby B is moving all over the place. On Wednesday, Baby B decided to lay on top of Baby A which made it harder to find their separate heartrates for monitoring. They called for a biophysical which is really a sonogram in my room to make sure all is well. The sonographer said that Baby B was on top of Baby A and one of Baby A's legs was wrapped around Baby B laying on his chest. Baby A is head down and Baby B is head up. Anyway, to sum it all up, they are crazy in there.

I did have two regular sonograms at my doctor's office down the hall and the babies are doing beautiful. They are practicing breathing, well, Baby A practices more than Baby B, but they're practicing. They also noticed Baby B sucking. He has pretty lips! So they are growing well.

I do have a c-section date!! They decided to deliver the babies on Tuesday, November 30th which is 32 weeks and 2 days. I am starting to get excited, anxious about the c-section, but excited about the babies. The only thing that kinda makes me sad, but I understand, is that only parents and grandparents are allowed in the Neonatal ICU (NICU) - not even Quade can see the babies. The babies are not in separate rooms like an adult ICU; the babies are close to eachother. No one will be allowed to see the babies until they come home, and even then they said their immune system will still be fragile. We just have to be careful I'm sure. I know will be in the NICU at least 2-3 weeks, maybe 4. We may or may not have them home for Christmas. So, that was an upset, but it is what it is and I respect their reasoning and rules. I will make sure that everyone gets pictures and gets to meet them sooner than later.

The Lord has been with us through all of this. I still can't believe that we made it to 31 weeks and we are doing great! We are truly blessed. Pregnancy is a miracle, but this emotional roller coaster has been one miracle after another. We can't wait to have two beautiful miracles on November 30th, 2010. Please pray that they will be born healthy and strong.

Thank you again for your thoughts and prayers!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Day 27 / Week 30

Yes, Day 27 in the hospital and I still haven't had the opportunity to go outside. I'm still on bedrest except for the 2 times week that I go get an ultrasound. I'm doing okay and hanging in there, but my body still thinks it's summer. I keep my room really cold!

I can't believe I'm 30 weeks! I had an ultrasound this morning and the babies are doing great! Baby A is 3lbs. 15oz. in the 85th percentile and Baby B is 4lbs. 2oz. in the 90th percentile. Big babies! The are doing great. They monitor their heartrates 2 times a day and that seems to be going great. The other day we say our first big deceleration on Baby B, which I noticed immediately, but it came back after a few minutes and it didn't happen again. Again, a deceleration is most likely a cord compression. Who knows, but they continue to show great heartrates and blood pressure so doctors are not worried.

I will talk to my doctor tomorrow about scheduling the c-section. I can't believe the time is almost here. They will schedule it on Week 32 which is November 29 - December 3. I may find out the scheduled date tomorrow. I am getting anxious and praying for the best. Thank goodness all is well.

Trey and Quade are doing great and hanging in there. I saw them yesterday. Quade and I colored and watched Handy Manny. He does really well when he visits. He is also very spoiled and gets into all my snacks, but whatever! Well, and he gets to go down to the Starbucks to get a Kit Kat bar! He loves to visit!! Whatever the reason, it always seems to be a positive experience. Yea! I'm proud of both of them.

Thank you again for all the thoughts and prayers!